A positive Post for Steinway

Bill Ballard yardbird@pop.vermontel.net
Tue, 14 May 2002 21:23:21 -0400

At 8:51 AM -0700 5/14/02, Delwin D Fandrich wrote:
>Oh no! I'm being quoted in a tag-line. This is scary . . . .
>Good quote, though. I'm glad I wrote it. (Wish I could say that about
>everything I've written.)

We're glad you wrote it, too. It's an example of our ability to mold 
things for best advantage. Which you do in your own business, having 
the experience you do. Thanks for writing.

Actually, I've got several quotes from people we all know. For 
instance to break up a food fight, there's :

"We mustn't underestimate our power of teamwork."
     ...........Bob Davis RPT, pianotech '97

And when the piano factories (great and small) need a little 
humility, there's this admonishment about immortality from about 15 
years ago, at a National, in class. Somewhere.

"No one builds the *perfect* piano, you can only remove the obstacles 
to that perfection during the building."
     ...........LaRoy Edwards, Yamaha International Corp

I'll tell you the truth, Del, (and this will help you get used to 
being seen on a sticker on the rear bumper of my emails). There's a 
certain amount of name-dropping here as well.

But seriously folks, don't let me interrupt anything. In closing, 
here's my favorite, thanks to Ron Torella. I never read the book, but 
I loved the quote.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"There's a difference between 'involved' and 'committed.' When 
providing ham and eggs for breakfast, the hen is involved. The pig is 
     ...........(Milo Sturgis in Jonathan Kellerman's novel "Self-Defense")

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