[Fwd: customer relations]

Greg Newell gnewell@ameritech.net
Fri, 17 May 2002 20:51:14 -0400

right on Jim!

At 07:18 PM 5/17/2002, you wrote:
>Carl, Greg...
>  We all run across this type customer......remember my request for "wording"
>input a few days ago :)? Although this is not quite the same thing as my
>problem when I 'have' run into exactly your problem the 'words' I use are:
>"perhaps you would be happier with a tech who is more suited to your style
>and desires." and I let it go at that.........
>We don't have enough time for ourselves to spend any of that time second
>guessing ourselves...if ya knows what I mean....
>My view.
>Jim Bryant (FL)

Greg Newell

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