Touchweight Metrology Question

Jon Page
Sat, 18 May 2002 08:36:34 -0400


Go ahead, load the keys up to the hilt with lead if that makes you happy. 
Heavy hammers, heavy FW.
If you think that heavy hammers sound good on a small piano, go ahead; I 
have not found that to necessarily be the case.

I doubt that heavy hammers were installed for tone reasons, more like 
economy: less tapering & arcing = lower cost.
My suggestion to lighten the hammers is purely economy based also, it is 
the easiest way to bring that touchweight to an acceptable level.

Let's not forget key dip. The sharp should not depress more than the front 
of the white key.
Consider its juxtaposition to the naturals, aim for consistency in key travel.

As for two so. I'm beginning to think that you like to argue for 
the sake of arguement.

Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.

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