technical lexicon

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 18 May 2002 12:08:11 -0500

> I can see it now.........."PTG members vie for position on "Twit" 
>committee." Or.......
>"p-tech list members form committee of Twits"...hmmmmmmmm......... Nahh... I 
>think we are safe from committee interference on this one Ron...... :-)

A dangerous assumption, Jim. There appears to be a subspecies (Homo Debatus
(Twitii(Eturnum))) that lives for the arguments and pontificating at the
podium, whether they actually have an opinion or not. The final result
isn't important to them. It doesn't matter. They feed on the process (like
vampires), and are ready to step up, participate, and drag it out as long
as they possibly can (no matter what the subject), forcing other more
"tempered" souls to participate in hopes of minimizing the damage. They
invariably suck the life, enthusiasm, and tolerance right out of the rest
of the committee members. No one is safe - ever. 

The committee will get you, if you don't watch out.

Watch out! Watch out!!

Ron N

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