Cleaning the glue pot/reprise

Joseph Garrett
Sun, 19 May 2002 15:17:34 -0700

BTW, if your glue is more than 72 hours old, TOSS IT! It has lost over 50%
of it's strength by then. Besides, it must really stink! <G> It is ok to
stir up a fresh batch, use it and turn it off. Then 3 days later, crank it
up again and it will still be ok. If it's been over heat for more than 72
hours, though, it is not useable for critical work, such as hammers. I do
use old glue for non-critical stuff, for up to 96 hours of heat time. Works
for me w/o the usual failures. <G>
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

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