Touchweight Metrology Question

Richard Brekne
Mon, 20 May 2002 00:29:30 +0200

Bill Ballard wrote:

> I'd also like to point of the conundrum handed to us by this whole
> business, that even with a smooth SW curve, there are enough
> variables active in the system, the we do have to face the choice
> between an even FW line (inertial resistance) or an even BW line
> (even gravitational resistance). David Stanwood, with his years of
> observation and experience, choses even inertial resistence.

There you have it in a nut shell, tho I would point out that one of the neat
things about going the Stanwood route is that with a known even SW curve, and a
known matched FW curve, then you also have eliminated two variables that can
contribute to any uneveness of any sort.  Knowing then that any uneveness in BW
is due to friction and leverage variations allows you to look more closely in
those directions to further even the BW. You can get pretty darned close to
having it both ways in the end.

What I like about Stanwood is the predictability. But thats today... a few years
back I was all sold on the LWHT. But in the end... heck even carefull use of
static up and downweights can give you a pretty even touch.

> Bill Ballard RPT
> New Hampshire Chapter PTG

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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