Cleaning the gluepot

Phil Bondi
Mon, 20 May 2002 06:55:51 -0400

> Of course I have a question(s).... :-)

..of course..

> 1. Why do you think it is "time" to clean the glue pot?

..well, I'm the self-professed 'rook' and my first encounter with my glue
pot resulted in, as you can imagine, a mess on the inside walls (yes, it's
an electric pot from Schaff). I am assuming (dangerous, I know) that the
dried stuff on the inside walls is not necessarily good going back in the
glue when you add to the pot for more glue, hence my question.

> 2. What is it you hope to achieve by "cleaning" the glue pot?

..a method to do so, since I don't have a method as of now, and because of
what I mentioned above about old dried glue..

>    After you answer these questions I will be in a better position to
offer > my stupid opinion... :-)

..this I do not has never stopped you in the past..!!!!

You asked for it Sir!,


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