Bass Strings-OT

Frances Helms
Tue, 21 May 2002 14:03:12 -0400

The pre-twisted core concept reminded me of a story Augie McCollum used to tell - probably an old saw to all of you.  He claimed he had once gotten a call from a woman who had a broken bass string on her piano.  Because they lived in a remote area, she didn't want the expense of paying a technician to come replace the string.  She was confident that her husband could install the string but not tune it.  So she requested that Augie pre-tune the string and mail it so that it would be in tune when her husband installed it.
Fran (KS)

"Joseph Garrett" <> wrote:

>Hey all,
>The reason for twisting a bass string, is to make sure the winding is tight
>on the overall length of the core wire. IF the swedge is done properly AND
>the bass string maker winds the wrap wire snuggly, then 1/2 turn is more
>than sufficient. The need for more than 1 1/2 turns is an indicator that the
>winding was NOT wrapped snuggly and should be replaced. (PERIOD)
>Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

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