Which way to twist bass strings

John Delacour JD@Pianomaker.co.uk
Wed, 22 May 2002 09:28:47 +0100

At 10:46 pm -0600 21/5/02, pianotech-digest wrote:

From: Randy Mangus,RPT <PIANO2NR@AOL.COM>

| remoody@midstatesd.net writes:
| | Twist it in the direction that will
| | tighten the loop.  It is instantly visible which way to turn
| | by looking how the loop twisted.  You do NOT want to twist
| | so the loop will unwind.
| Not So!!  Schaff bass strings hitch pin loops are twisted clockwise.  Mapes
| are counter clockwise.  Windings from both string makers are counter
| clockwise.

And you're saying it makes no difference?!  The eye and the top cover
should tighten in the same direction.  Whether or not there are string
makers who don't observe this rule is beside the point.  Not only is it
just plain common sense but I speak as a commercial string maker of many
years standing and not as a theorist.


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