Dealer Prep/Lack Thereof

Reikiharp@AOL.COM Reikiharp@AOL.COM
Mon, 27 May 2002 09:02:26 EDT

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In a message dated 5/26/02 9:38:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> Looking forward to a time I'm too busy with private tunings to work for 
> stores....:) 
       Hi Dave                                                                
                                         Keep this goal first in your mind.  
In the meantime suggest to your customers that they read their owners 
manuals. If they have it on hand read through it with them.  This takes the 
weight of your shoulders and gives more creedence to the information. Oh Yea, 
dealers don't give customers owners manuals anymore!  So much for that idea. 
I picture in my head a dumpster behind the store overflowing with owners 
manuals.  I guess the reason is that pianos are high maintenance, and high 
maintenance does not sell.   To sum it up: Dealers only concern is to sell, 
and high maintenance does not sell. Give up any and all hope of any consumer 
education or technician support from piano dealers. Learn it, Live it, Love 
it.                                  Joseph D. Gotta RPT                      

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