Prices research

Greg Casper
Mon, 27 May 2002 15:14:08 -0700

Just a quick thought...

A Big Mac in my area can vary in cost by over $1.00, depending on where you
buy it. Get it at a regular McDonald's, you get the best price. The
McDonald's in WalMart.. a bit more. The one at the airport.. big $$. And
what do either a Big Mac or a Toyota have to do with the cost of living? Why
not ask for the median price of a home, if that's what you're looking for?

Greg Casper
San Jose, CA

Median home price.... $489,000.00 !!
Big Mac.... $000,000.99 on sale !!
Toyota .... who wants one?

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 12:57 AM
Subject: Prices research

Dear List,

I'm researching the relative costs for piano tuning worldwide. This will end
up as
material for either a report or a class at an up-coming convention (In
Australia). I
realise I am treading on thin ice here - but I'm not looking to start a
discussion on-

Your responses will be treated with the strict confidence, and I ask that
DON'T post the reply to the list but to me privately.

Please put your responses in your own currency, I'll do the conversions.

Please outline
1. Your basic tuning fee
2. Hourly rate for repairs on-site
3. Do you live in a major city, regional centre or rural area? Population?
4. Which country do you live in?
5. How much does a Big Mac cost there?
6. How much does a base model Toyota Corolla cost? (Optional)

The last two questions will give me some means of comparing living costs.

Any thoughts you would like to share on the issue of determining how you
at your prices will also be respected for confidentiality, but would be most
and enlightening.

I appreciate your help with this. If I write a report on this I'll keep you
all informed
of when it gets posted on my website.

Cheers from down under

Mark Bolsius
Bolsius Piano Services
Canberra Australia

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