tick, tick, tick

Murray Seminuk seminukm@CADVISION.COM
Mon, 27 May 2002 18:23:22 -0600

Hi Wally
The problem is usually the leg.It is the movement of the long part that is
fitted into the large main section that fastens to the piano .The leg has to
be taken off.I have seen CLP put into the joint and also glue .Both have
worked but only time will tell how long .Good luck.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wallace Scherer" <WallyTS@compuserve.com>
To: "Pianotech" <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 2:40 PM
Subject: tick, tick, tick

> No, this isn't a bomb. It's a question about a "tick, tick, tick" sound
> that comes from a polyester finish Wurlitzer baby grand piano as the
> (heavy) owner walks by on the wooden floor. She also complains that it
> it when she plays fast, loud pieces (where the piano would move a bit).
> says she is not going to pay any money for any work on the piano (tuning
> past due) until this problem is fixed.
> Three different technicians have tried to fix it by tightening leg bolts,
> putting felt between the leg and the body, and generally checking things
> see where else it could be. (Seems to be the legs)
> I know that these high gloss finishes can cause problems where two pieces
> come together - like benches. But the Baldwin company tech wasn't familiar
> with the problem.
> Have any of you found similar problems you were able to fix? How?
> ** Please answer me privately as I am not signed on to the list. **
> Wallace T. Scherer, Piano Technician, Music Educator
> P.O. Box 4121, Lantana, Florida, 33465 (561) 432-4121
> Web page: <http://www.angelfire.com/biz6/afinetune>

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