Piano Specs. book

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Tue, 28 May 2002 07:39:38 -0400


The current misunderstanding brings to mind having met one of the other "movers
and shakers" several years ago.  Never having seen him before, I didn't
recognize him by appearance.  When I introduced myself with a smile and extended
my hand, he never took it and returned a withering look as if to say, "Who do
you think you are, you peon?  How can anyone not recognize ME?"  And I was
basically ignored after that.

Fortunately this is not the norm.  I am grateful for all those who are so
willing to share their knowledge with the rest of us and are also willing to
accept us as persons, even if we are the unknown beginners on the bottom rung.

Regards, Clyde

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