Sailing & Actions, was: Nordic Convention

Richard Brekne
Thu, 30 May 2002 14:31:12 +0200

Grin... sounds to me that you should attach a plank to the nearest deep water
dock and force that Tokai to walk it ! ARG'd Argh argh argh. ! 


 Farrell wrote:

>I wonder if he has a formula for balancing the lead in his keel with the
>buoyancy and geometry of the hull above it? It's really a similar
>question. ....................
>Ok. Enough of this diversion. Back to this very much falling apart Tokai
>studio action - all the center pins are falling out, etc. Some of the jack
>center pins were out and have cut through the adjacent jack flange! Also,
>several hammers came off in a group because the butt flange center pins
>had migrated half way into their neighbors. YIKES!
>Obviously, not well focused today!
>Terry Farrell
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Richard Brekne" <>
>To: "PTG" <>
>Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 6:38 AM
>Subject: Re: Nordic Convention
>> .
Richard Brekne
Griegakadamiet UiB

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