HELLO Richard Brekne

Richard Brekne richard.brekne@grieg.uib.no
Fri, 31 May 2002 22:39:28 +0200

What ??

I am still here.... try useing small letters instead of caps ??  heck I got the
other stuff you wrote earlier. Your questions are great for me, tho I'd like to
see how Jon, Bill, and Dave respond to them as well.

What do I know anyways ??? I'm just a preachers kid from Montana when it comes
down to it :)


 Farrell wrote:

>Hey dude! Where did you go? My questions can't be that tough! Here is the
>email address I have for you:   Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no   Everything
>keeps coming back as undeliverable.
>Terry Farrell

Richard Brekne
Griegakadamiet UiB

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