Pray for the good guys ...

Isaac OLEG
Sun, 17 Nov 2002 12:14:32 +0100

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Yes yes,

I agree, and I refrain to talk politics there, but I may admit that when it
is about  a war and being involved in I I understand that some are thrilled
enough in one direction or another and can't refrain.

May be you will be called to make piano technician's squad to have Iraaqui
learn how to repair pianos at last
damnned !

I'll shut up now.


  -----Message d'origine-----
  De : []De la
part de Mickey Kessler
  Envoye : samedi 16 novembre 2002 16:58
  A :
  Objet : Re: Pray for the good guys ...

  gordon stelter wrote:
  "We support a state in the mid-east that
  abuses its populace,(far worse and with more
  regularity than Saddam has-- the alleged gas attacks
  may have been Iranian) ignores UN sanctions and
  DEFINITELY has weapons of mass destruction! Its called
  Israel. "

  While criticism of Israel is not necessarily anti-Semitism, comparing
Israel to Iraq comes close enough.  At best, it is ignorant.  It is
unquestionably stupid.

  Mr. Stelter, his list is for issues of piano technology.  The readers and
contributors are committed to enhancing their skills in that field,
regardless of political or social orientation. In this forum, all we want is
better sounding -- and better playing -- pianos.  That's it.  Little enough
to ask of a frustratingly complex world.

  Ladies and gentlemen -- please confine your comments to issues piano
technology, music, and the music business.  When someone tosses out bait, no
matter how rancid, please refrain from responding.  There are numerous other
mailing lists where political issues can discussed.

  Please let this be an island of sanity, no matter how small and
insignificant, in an increasingly atavistic world.

  Mickey Kessler

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