Pins & Cups
Mon, 31 Mar 2003 20:34:18 -0600

New client today. 1961 Storey & Clark console. Three items:

First, the pin-block (4 thin ply, one bigger layer in back) is VERY
tight--like a new Baldwin or more so. It didn't seem to be a string
resistance thing because it as very noticeable even in the base (no V bar
there) and it tuned just fine, no jumps, no Steinway-like delay in pitch
change. But, man, I'll have to eat Wheaties before I go there again.

Second, my hammer just would not seat well on those pins. I thought at first
that the strings were keeping the tip from dropping in, as sometimes happens
close to the V bar (Wurlitzer!) but that wasn't it. Tried #2 and #3. Loose,
floppy, sloppy. I couldn't let go of the hammer, most of the time, as it
would fall off. It really exacerbated (can you say that on TV?) the
tight-pin problem above. Did S&C use weird pins? I've only tuned a couple
others and didn't notice such a problem.

Third, This is new to the owners and they have real nice hardwood floors.
They only had stupid square little hardware store rubber cups to I sold them
some wooden caster cups BUT (actual QUESTION follows) what kinds of
solutions are there to the problem of piano bench feet scraping around on
nice floors?

Alan Barnard
Salem, MO

"Pardon me, would you happen to have any cheap yellow mustard?"

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