OT Re: German scale

Phillip Ford fordpiano@earthlink.net
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:14:26 -0800 (GMT)

>Here you go.
>Probably cures leprosy too.
>I haven't gotten a chance to get a look at one of these scales in a 
>spreadsheet. I don't know anyone who owns one who would suffer me taking 
>the measurements, and I am certainly curious. Has anyone out there 
>measured an Imperial German Scale that you'd care to share in
>to my education?
>Ron N

I'm almost as curious about why there's a .(period? dot?) after the Alex.  Was it supposed to be Alex.com and they forgot the com?  Was there not enough room on the fallboard to put Alexander?  Was it to make the name on the fallboard look like an e-mail address?

Phil F

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