Upweight Maximums

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sun, 06 Apr 2003 22:18:36 +0200

Hi guys,

A recent email presented to me a thought I have not really considered
before and I thought I would throw it out to you all to hear your

The "heaviness" of the action and the explanations for this is something
that is continually up for discussion, and I was newly presented with
the idea that one should try and configure actions so that static Up
Weights end up somewhere in the low 40 gram weight range, with friction
weights around 8 to 10.  In addition, and action should not have any
assistance from springs, magnets or any other such contrivance to play
into the counter balance question.

This means, as far as I can tell, that this technician is looking for
rather heavy downweights, which is indeed her stated preference. But her
reasoning for this is interesting. It is her position that this
configuration will feel lighter then any configuration possible that has
Up Weights significantly below the levels she specifies.

So.... I'd love to hear some thoughts on the matter.



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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