Agraffe seating

Ron Nossaman
Sun, 06 Apr 2003 21:48:32 -0500

>My question is how often do agraffes seat snuggly while facing the
>exact right direction?   Having never screwed down agraffes, how
>much turn do you have to get them right.  ---quarter turn?

Much less. A quarter turn is 90°. More like about 30° past snug seems about 
right to me.

>seems unlike an outside spigot you have twice in one turn to get
>them (agraffes) facing right if you can use both faces.

You use both faces.

>But do
>you really have 180 degrees to get the agraffe to line up?


>you get it too snug don't you risk it breaking now or later?


>if it lines up but not quite snug then that might not provide the
>best termination for the string. (Perhaps the cause of
>intermittent mystery high pitch zings or buzzes?)

Possibly, but probably not.

>     Is the reason for shims to get the agraffes to line up while
>being snug at the same time? ------rm

Depends on who you talk to. The same thing can be accomplished by matching 
agraffe threading to the hole without shims.

Ron N

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