new mac-software in back of ptg journal

J Patrick Draine
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 22:40:57 -0400

On Thursday, April 10, 2003, at 10:04  PM, Bill Ballard wrote:
> Hazen doesn't even need the Palm handheld to use its PIM on his 
> desktop. I doubt the app would ever start to wonder why it had never 
> been synched with anything.

True. I did d/l the software and it is indeed free. The download site 
does ask which Palm device you're using -- there's a Palm III somewhere 
around the house so I took that option. There's no need to synch the 
Palm Desktop with it, unless I decide to liberate it from other family 
I still need to figure out how to arrange my AW customer DB so it 
imports into Palm Desktop in a coherent manner (any suggestions 
Everyone else upgraded to OS X 10.2.5 yet?

Patrick Draine

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