My Shop as a Strip Joint
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 10:03:10 -0500

I have no real experience in the refinishing game, and don't want much
either. But I want to refinish my own piano.

1920 Geo. Steck grand. Under the wrinkled varnish(?) the wood is stained
very dark, like a dark walnut. I used stripper on the music desk pieces and
found, to my consternation, that if I tried to scrub off stubborn flecks
with a rough sponge, I was taking off stain as well--leaving lighter

I panicked and just stopped. But that's silly, I've got to get back at it.

Should I just strip and sand and work with whatever I get, restaining or


Alan Barnard
Stymied in Salem, MO

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