Pianos Lure Students

pianolover 88 pianolover88@hotmail.com
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 15:37:00 -0700

                                 Pianos Lure Students to Pa. Conservatory
                                 The Associated Press
                                 Apr 16 2003 3:00PM

                                 PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Of the 800 or so 
students who annually
                                 audition for the Curtis Institute of Music, 
about 40 are accepted.
                                 And for some of those lucky - and talented 
- chosen ones, it gets
                                 even grander: their own Steinway piano for 
the duration of their

                                 The loan program has been a tradition since 
the founding of the
                                 79-year-old Curtis, regarded as one of the 
world's most
                                 prestigious music conservatories. Thirty 
students now have
                                 at-home Steinways.

                                 ``This is something that's really unique to 
Curtis on this kind of a
                                 scope,'' said Sally Coveleskie, director of 
institutional sales for
                                 Steinway & Sons in New York.

                                 Steven Hackman, now a 22-year-old 
second-year conducting
                                 student, had auditioned and was waiting for 
his flight home to
                                 Illinois when he read about the loan 
program while browsing the
                                 school's Web site in the airport.

                                 ``My parents were here, too ... our jaws 
just dropped,'' he said.
                                 ``I'd never heard of anything like that.''

                                 It can make apartment hunting tougher, and 
the students have to
                                 pay for the piano move, which costs at 
least $150. But they're not

                                 ``We're really blessed to have this program 
- it's one of the
                                 reasons I came here,'' said Sheridan 
Seyfried, 18. ``Otherwise,
                                 you're relying on practice rooms and trying 
to schedule time to use
                                 them. To have one at home is just the 

                                 This year, 38 students were accepted at 
Curtis, founded in 1924
                                 by publishing heiress Mary Louise Curtis 
Bok. The school accepts
                                 only enough students to fill all the seats 
in an orchestra plus a small
                                 number of keyboard, composition and 
conducting students.
                                 Currently there are 158 students; all are 
on full scholarships.

                                 The length of study is open-ended, ranging 
from two years to 10
                                 years or longer. Students, mostly 
college-age but a few of whom
                                 are in their early teens, graduate when 
their teachers decide they
                                 are ready.

                                 Conductor Leonard Bernstein, opera singer 
Anna Moffo, violinist
                                 Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, pianist Peter 
Serkin and composer
                                 Samuel Barber are among Curtis' alumni - as 
is the school
                                 president, noted pianist Gary Graffman.

                                 The Curtis Institute purchased its first 45 
Steinways shortly after
                                 the school opened and it now has 91, 
acquired through donations
                                 and purchases. Besides the school's 16 
piano students, 14 others
                                 studying harpsichord, organ, composition 
and conducting have
                                 Steinways. Students try them out and pick 
the one they like best.

                                 The remaining grands, worth $12,000 and up, 
grace the school's
                                 performance venues and practice rooms.

                                 ``Steinways are workhorses; they hold up 
extremely well. And the
                                 depth of the sound really gives students 
idealized training that
                                 allows them a fuller palette to work 
with,'' said Hugh Sung, a
                                 Curtis alumnus and faculty member.

                                 Third-year piano student Di Wu, 18, said 
she otherwise would
                                 have rented an upright piano for her 
studies. Instead, she practices
                                 in her apartment on her 1931 Model B 
Steinway - but she worries
                                 it might be spoiling her.

                                 ``It's an honor,'' she said. ``I just don't 
know how I'll ever be able
                                 to play on anything else after I leave.''

                                 On the Net:

                                 The Curtis Institute of Music Web site: 

                                 Steinway & Sons Web site: 

                                 04/16/03 14:56 EDT

Terry Peterson

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