Bridge Construction Method

Sat, 19 Apr 2003 11:46:39 -0400

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Hello Ron and all.

Let say we want to make a vertically laminated long bridge with nine 3.6 =
mm thick laminations. That will give you a bridge about 33 mm wide. The =
figure below represents unbent laminations in the area of the =
troublesome (for me anyway!)dogleg. What about laying up the laminations =
as below, having let's say five (whatever in reality) laminations be =
continuous through the dogleg, and the others terminate on either side =
of the dogleg. Bend gently (never any more bend needed than in the =
sections not at the dogleg), glue, and then trim the normal-looking =
dogleg curves with bandsaw and sand. You've got a large overlap at the =
dogleg, I can't imagine there would be any loss in strength - not =
torturing the maple laminations, perhaps there would even be an increase =
in strength. As long as we are not interrupting the "circle of sound" =
(heaven forbid!), I should think this would ease the task of =
dogleg-making, allow the use of thicker laminates, and give you complete =
freedom to make the dogleg dimensions (curve radii) any size you want - =
you will be simply cutting these cosmetic curves rather than having the =
curves originate from the integral bend. Heck, be a radical - leave them =
squared-off as plate configuration allows!!!!!!!!!
Waddaya think?

Terry Farrell

----- Original Message -----=20
From: "Ron Nossaman" <>
To: "Pianotech" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2003 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: Bridge Construction Method

> >Short of interrupting the "circle of sound", is there any good reason =
> >each vertical lamination in a long bridge root needs to be one =
> >piece of wood? Is there a problem if they are two or three pieces to =
> >some other advantage? (I've got something up my sleeve.)
> >
> >Terry Farrell
> Other than making it easier to control the laminate stack while =
handling it=20
> and pressing it into the cauls, I don't know of any. But then, you =
> always horizontally laminate one from that scrap too.
> Ron N
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