Please help a church choose a new grand piano. Advice kindly requested.

gordon stelter
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 19:55:18 -0700 (PDT)

Dear List,
     There is a small church here seeking to buy a new
grand piano for the sanctuary. 
     The sanctuary will be well insulated and "climate
controlled", but probably not at 42%,70 degrees F.
year 'round. ( A range of 60 to 80 degrees F. is much
more likely, down here in Georgia. ) And a complete
Dampp Chaser system with the bottom cover will be
added, I presume.
     The maximum size limit is 6'6". The budgetary
limit is $20,000.
     So I humbly beseech of you all to kindly offer
your advice on this matter. I will pass the e-mails on
to the purchasing committee.

     Most Sincerely,
     Thank You!


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