krakauer tuning pin size

Bill Ballard
Sat, 26 Apr 2003 10:22:19 -0400

At 1:02 PM -0500 4/24/03, Conrad Hoffsommer wrote:
>I hope to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

I forgot to mention. See my post a few weeks back on epoxy reinforced 
action parts. Also look for the keyframe made of cherry lumber (of no 
particular grain selection. The back rail was badly warped, the 
balance rail was not lifted off the bed by the combination of back an 
front rails (putting the glides out of a job). I glued  a 1/2" strip 
of veneer (some old rosewood I had, hard and oily) which was 1/32" at 
the bass and 1/16" at the treble. That reduced the stock removal 
required on the back rail sgnificantly, and got the balance rail up 
in the air.

My damper tray had a buckskin patch installed for a return leaf 
spring (which one usually finds with its mounting block, next to the 
end of the damper tray), but the factory forget the spring!

Have you looked at the trap lever springs? They're small 
butterfly-shaped pieces of spring steel which span the mounting 
blocks (screwed to each) and to which the levers are screwed. They 
serve both as pivots and return springs. Enough to give anybody a 
fright, mine showed no sign of fatigue after the first 100 years, so 
I left them in. I'll check after the second 100 years.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"May you work on interesting pianos."
     ...........Ancient Chinese Proverb

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