Refinishing - Stripping & Stain Uneveness

Sat, 26 Apr 2003 15:23:05 -0400

Refinishing question. I started stripping a piano - the typical reddish stained mahogany. The finish was original. I have always used chemical strippers before but I am trying scraping this time. The scraping seems to go easy and well, except that you end up with some areas of stain largely removed and some areas remaining, resulting in a blotchy appearance. I have sanded, and that helps a little, but it is still blotchy and sanding is tough because the sandpaper just loads up in three seconds flat.

My guess is that when I re-stain (will be going with a similar color) some blotchyness will remain. Using chemical strippers in the past has yielded fairly even-colored wood to work with - so I don't really know what will happen if the blotchy color is stained. Anyone with any experience with this? Recommendations? Thanks.

Terry Farrell

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