Fw: D hammers - is action stiffness , inertia/friction ratio ? -comfort

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 12:41:11 +0200

Isaac OLEG wrote:

> It is certainly possible with very fast cameras and analysis, to
> determine what happen at different level of velocities, and I suspect
> that there are different response mode within the top action, I don't
> believe at the oversimplification that say that the pianist is only
> allowed to control the velocity of the hammer. The contact moment is
> shortened or lengthened depending of the attack angle when the hammer
> hit the string, most probably. The moment of inertia of the shank is
> allowing for some distortion is not it ?

While you and I tend to agree more then we disagree here Issac, I suggest
you read (if you have not already done so) relevant publications by
Alexander Galembo. Also Anders Askenfelt has published some interesting
stuff along these lines.

As I said a couple days ago.  Most of this, while not claiming any
conclusive truths... point in the direction that Bill Ballard and others
believe. though I think its important to underline that these Ph'D's dont
claim << conclusive proof >> for good reason. And Alexander's work points
off in another direction entirely me thinks... one that isolated
accelerometer experimentation cant really address.



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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