Tightbond Creep

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 17:09:28 -0500

>if you are going for a brand new board it doesnt matter how much 
>destruction you cause the old one anyways. Thats Rons main point as I see it.

Partly, and that Titebond isn't any more insurmountable than hide glue 
under some circumstances. Even if someone can get a hundred year old board 
loose without damage, that's likely because it was held on with hundred 
year old hide glue. Taking last month's hide glue installed board out 
without damage is going to be a considerably different story. Same with 
popping those ribs off, and I don't really think there will be much 
difference between fresh Titebond and fresh hide glue this side of total 
destruction with something as soft as spruce.

Ron N

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