Wing & Son upright blueprints

Robert Goodale
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 00:05:19 -0700

Wing & Sons are marvelous pianos and exemplify some of the finest uprights
ever built.  Many W & Ss have sever pedals.  At least one would operate a
rinky tink, and one for a mute rail.  There were other devices available but
I'm not sure if I can name them with any accuracy  They generally involved
some limited kinds of string contact to change the tone or intentionally
create buzzes or sympathetic vibrations.  I would really like to rebuild a
Wing someday and I tried to secure one a few years ago.  It was in a storage
area owned by a dealer and in spite that I had requested it be held for me I
later discovered that it had been thrown out.  No one volunteered for the
responsibility.  A very sad waste and oversight.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

> Hello list,
> I'm back from a long absence from the list with a new email name.  I'm
> rebuilding a Wing & Son upright serial #31000.  It has 5 pedals and
> all the components.  Where can I go for a source of the blueprints of the
> pedal functions?
> Jay Mercier
> Twin Cities Chapter
> Glenwood, Minnesota

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