hammer velocity

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 22:34:01 EDT

Del writes: 
<<  Indeed, in a typical "modern" 
>concert grand the keys in the bass up through the mid-range will 
>have fully bottomed somewhat before the hammer begins to move. From 
>that point on energy is moving through the system and is being 
>delayed by the compression and flexing of the various action 
>components.... >>

   After studying Askenfelt's measurements,  I understood that in forte 
playing the key bottomed out before hammer/string contact was made, but I 
didn't see it as happening before hammer movement. perhaps I have misread his 
graphing.  Does it really show that keybottom is reached before hammer 
movement?  I am taking hammer movement to occur with jack motion .  

Anyhow, action timing of events can be found at this address: 
<A HREF="http://www.speech.kth.se/music/5_lectures/">Five lectures on the 
Acoustics of the piano</A>

Ed Foote RPT 

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