Pacific Piano Supply- was Re: Billings Flanges/Butts again
Wed, 14 May 2003 11:42:38 EDT


Pacific Piano Supply has been in business since 1946.  Don Morton (look up 
your PTG history) is a founding member of PTG and the Los Angeles Chapter.

Don's sons are running the business now and they import Tokiwa action parts.  
Randy Morton presented Southbay Chapter's technical program last night.  He 
showed us the Universal wippens he's developed.  With his action parts, you 
can replace wippens on Baldwin, Knabe, Mason & Hamlin -- WNG and Chickering 
pianos as well as many others.  Randy also has Tokiwa made wippen types 
specifically made such as Steinway type(Hamburg and New York), Renner type, 
Old Kawai type and Yamaha/Young Chang type.  All these take up only four 
pages of their 32 page catalog.

It was quite an impressive program which Randy will be presenting in more 
detail at our State Convention next February at the LAX Hilton. 


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