Action Geometry Consistency

Richard Brekne
Fri, 16 May 2003 20:31:00 +0200

"Bradley M. Snook" wrote:

> I had already looked at the centers just as Isaac suggested; I shimmed a few
> in different directions but it seemed to just make the problem worse. I have
> also looked at the knuckles, and there are inaccuracies there as well, but
> should I really break the knuckle off and then reglue it at a different
> angle?

Yes, you should. And its no big deal to do so really. A good set of pinchers
applied neatly at the knuckle core and you can pop them right out. Just make
sure you keep track of which way the nap of the leather is going. Reglue
carefully to line up better then you started out with. You see this all the
time, and out of place or angle knuckles can really affect the ratio big time.
Improving this kind of thing not only can help drastically the problem you
mention, but also make for much more consistant leverage and play.

You might as well learn how to do this little job as soon as possible, as you
are definantly going to have use for it if you are planning on doing a lot of
work on grand actions.

> My preference is to fix the cause of the problem, instead of simply
> adjusting for the existing conditions (i.e like I currently do when I
> regulate).

Well... grin.. this is a real good one to fix. And quite easy too. Go for it !


Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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