Hard to tune upright

Horace Greeley hgreeley@stanford.edu
Tue, 09 Nov 2004 09:14:12 -0800

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At 08:59 AM 11/9/2004, you wrote:
>Yes John and the same with GJ

Either way - it's still going to be like trying to nail Jello to a wall.

The preferred method for tuning these beasts is to get all set up to tune, 
take off your watch and look at it, begin tuning; and, when the big hand 
has gone around once, you are done.

Don't turn yourself into a pretzel attempting the impossible.

These things are built for a specific market and purpose.  That is, other 
than institutional sales, something like 95% of all S&S uprights sold to 
private clients are later traded in on grands...rather like buying a 
Mercedes "C" class sedan...it says "Mercedes" on it; but it sure doesn't 
drive or feel like a real one...it's an "entry level" device, only.


>Joe Goss RPT
>Mother Goose Tools
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:jrpiano@win.eastlink.ca>John Ross
>To: <mailto:pianotech@ptg.org>pianotech
>Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 9:23 AM
>Subject: Hard to tune upright
>Hi List,
>Last week I came upon a piano, that was the hardest, I have ever had to 
>tune. (Started in '75) (No. not the tuning of this piano. I thought I 
>would beat the smarties to that one. :-))
>It was the same brand as the next hardest one, I tune.
>It was a Steinway upright, furniture model, has a 40 stencilled on the block.
>It had been restrung, with new pins. The strings were imbedded in the felt 
>strip between the pin and the pressure bar. I think that was the main problem.
>Is everyone SURE, that putting Protek on the different bearing points to 
>get better rendering, and easier tuning, won't migrate to the tuning pins 
>and cause a problem?
>John M. Ross
>Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada

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