Aural tuning- 300 cents flat

Fenton Murray
Sat, 26 Feb 2005 11:34:07 -0800

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      "And, if you tune aurally with nothing but a 440 fork to relate =
      to, what do you do when you find yourself way below 440 and the =
pitch =3D
      is shiftng as you tune?"

I take this question as rhetorical, but, with all due respect I believe =
it shows a lack of understanding of the skills of one who has tuned =
aurally for 30 years. To accomplish a pitch raise aurally there are =
perhaps 100's of split second decisions made on the fly, sort of like a =
computer, only in that most incredible computer of all, the mind.

      "Hop aboard year 2005 and get yourself a Cybertuner with the =3D
      great pitch raise feature.

      Counting beats with a piano like this... is "Neanderthal tuning =
      in the extreme".

      Hmm, I wish I wouldn't see this kind of talk on here. There is =
more than one way to achieve your goal, we need to respect them all, I =
certainly respect what you're doing and appreciate the opportunity for =


      Fenton Murray, RPT

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