Modern Tone

Bec and John
Sat, 5 Mar 2005 15:10:50 -0500

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Hi Sarah,

> Geoff, I remember talking with a recording engineer about the little=20=

> S&S M that they had just restored for their main recording studio.=A0=20=

> They had=A0 decided against restoring a concert grand (that I later=20
> bought from them), in favor of restoring the 'M'.=A0 I admit it was a=20=

> *very* nicely done little 'M', and it produced some pretty impressive=20=

> sound, but it=A0still seemed=A0a tiny little piano to be making =
> on.=A0 The engineer responded, "Ah, that's not an issue.=A0 I can make=20=

> this piano sound however I want. With the right settings, it'll sound=20=

> just like a concert grand."=A0

I've come across recording engineers like this too, and I think they're=20=

just either over-zealous, in some other world, or don't hear as well as=20=

they believe they do! I think it's this kind of approach to recording=20
which often results in a lame sound.

- John=

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