low drop screw symptom

Bob Hull hullfam5@yahoo.com
Sat, 19 Mar 2005 07:22:31 -0800 (PST)

Hello List, 

On a rebuild for a small but good quality grand I am
replacing all of the action parts and having some
doubts about the action configuration.   As I
regulate samples the drop screw has to be lowered
almost as far as it will go.  

Another relationship that appears to be off is the
jack to hammershank relationship which is not
perpendicular but rather it is more toward the B- side
(Bob Hoff terminology).  How can I change this?

The new (Renner) wippen with the closest match to the
old wippen is the one with the added heel.  The old
jack tender/toe seemed to interface better with the
tilted let off rail than the new wippen does.  The new
one gives a harder feeling ledge before let off. 
I don't like the way that feels.  

I  realize that more information may be necessary and
I can supply it if asked.  One other thing I will add
is that I had to lower the plate/string plane as much
as I dared to get some downbearing.  I am adjusting
the hammer bore because of this.  

So to restate my question:  What is indicated about an
action geometry when drop screws must be lowered so
far in order to attain suitable drop?  
I would appreciate your comments.

Bob Hull

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