Wanting to become a Piano Technician

Doug Renz doug.renz@gmail.com
Fri, 13 May 2005 12:34:32 -0400

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I am a new Piano Tech and also going through the Randy Potter couse. It is=
very good. I'm going through it
slower than I would like, but I am learning as I go along. The course is=20
very content heavy, but the most I am learning
is by just jumping in feet first with fixing and tuning a variety of=20
piano's. I started tuning piano's mostly, but now I
am beginning to do minor repairs. Again, I know there is much to learn so I=
am learning as I go. If you can find
an experienced Piano Tech you can work with that will be helpful too. The=
local PTG president where I live has
been very kind to spend time to teach me different skills and I am very=20
grateful for that.=20

Doug Renz
Rochester, NY

 On 5/13/05, Piannaman@aol.com <Piannaman@aol.com> wrote:=20
>  Kevin,
>  The Potter course is quite good. I finished it several years ago. Even=
> though I'd been involved with pianos for a long time, it filled in many g=
> in my knowledge. Not that there aren't more to be filled in all the time.=
>  Good luck, and keep hackin' away at the upright!
>  Dave Stahl
>  In a message dated 5/13/05 12:20:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time,=20
> kevinc@srcaccess.net writes:
> Greetings Folks,
> I just joined this list because I am wanting to become a Piano=20
> Technician. I have ordered material to try to eventually become an=20
> associate member of PTG. I live in a rural part of Texas with no way=20
> of learning from others but I should receive Randy Potter's course=20
> material that I ordered in a day or so.

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