Steinway B for sale

Will Wickham
Sat, 21 May 2005 20:19:05 -0400

When it rains it pours. Two days, two Steinway Bs. This one is much 
more recent: serial 429588. It belongs to a regional performance center 
and they would like to get it off their inventory. I have not tuned 
this piano so I can't tell you anything about the history. I can tell 
you that the action has much of that wonderful teflon we all love so 
much. Otherwise, it seems to be in fair condition.

Anybody interested or have a potential customer for this one? It is 
located in the Fingerlakes region of New York State and shipping could 
be arranged. I'm always up for a road trip!

You can respond privately if you wish.

Thanks all,
will wickham, from now storming south central New York

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