Old Model "D" Steinway restringing

Michael Gamble michael@gambles.fsnet.co.uk
Tue, 24 May 2005 11:53:21 +0100

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Hello List and Terry who volunteered:
  I'm putting out "feelers" on the List to see if there are any =
pit-falls I should be aware of in an 1890 Model "D" full re-string.

  Yeah, like maybe the soundboard is shot! Have you inspected the board =
thoroughly - both strung and unstrung, downbearing, etc.? Between every =

  Terry Farrell
Well, Terry, I cannot inspect the soundboard unstrung withoput =
committing myself to going the whole hog.... but strung the sound board =
is flawless (crack-wise) and down-bearing seems good as well. Ribs =
sound. It has been in non-centrally heated position all its long life =
and is now in a flint stone cottage overlooking a river. Lots of =
spiders! Lots of flies! But OK. Thanks for your suggestions. Any more =
out there?
Regards from a windy and rainy Sussex Village.
Michael G.(UK) 
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