Chinese Pianos

Andrew and Rebeca Anderson
Thu, 29 Sep 2005 18:43:06 -0500

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Checked one out recently?  They're after the other Asian piano makers 
and in a few years they probably will be there.  As for flooding our 
market, ours is much smaller than theirs.  All the "good" piano 
makers are trying to get in on that market, including 
Steinway/Boston. They generally only sell here for cash to buy our equipment.

As for servicing the PSOs they used to send, job security. 8-)

At 07:03 PM 9/28/2005, you wrote:
>I doubt that this will do one whit of good, but I've gotta say it 
>anyway. I completely REFUSE to work on Chinese Pianos. The Chinese 
>are inundating our society with all sorts of "cheap" products. The 
>Corporate types are buying into it. Hence, OUR work force is hard 
>pressed to compete on any level. For those clients that own Chinese 
>Pianos, I simply refer them elsewhere. I know that a large majority 
>of technicians refuse to work on Square Grands, why not the Chinese 
>pianos? I consider a Square Grand ten times easier to cope with than 
>the Chinese POS's. I refuse to be a party to undermining my own 
>economy. If every technician would do the same, a lot of those 
>Chinese PSO's (actually it's a compliment to call them such, IMO.), 
>would wind up in the land fill, where they belong....or, better yet, 
>send them back to China and let their people contend with them.
>End of Rant. Thanks for letting me.<G>
>Joe Garrett, R.P.T.
>Captain, Tool Police
>Squares R I

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