
Ron Nossaman rnossaman at
Tue Jun 6 18:39:04 MDT 2006

>   SO all things be theoretically equal If we added approx 6 lbx per 
> string times 60 to 68 unisons worth of trichord  strings would yield a 
> total tension increase of only roughly 408 lbs. 

Three times that, actually, around 18 lbs per unison. Still, 
it doesn't seem like it ought to be all that wild a change, 
does it?

>Not a lot but the sound 
> of a C-7 I once strung change dramatically by a simple 1/2 wire size 
> increase. ........................   
>     It was a long time ago.  I was trying to beef up the sound.  It did, 
> but I didnt' like the overall tonal pallete as much. Live & string
>   Dale

Yup, there's always another layer of questions. Did you 
actually go up a half size, or just use US gage instead of metric?
Ron N

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