more trouble than it's worth (was tune, chip with oversized pins?)

paul bruesch paul at
Mon Mar 24 19:18:58 MST 2008

I will pitch in here to urge you to try the CA treatment. It costs you about
$10 for the CA and about an hour's time from the time you get there, tip the
piano (borrow a tilter if you need), dribble CA alongside all the pins
(twice), and get it tilted back up. If it's a grand, even less time 'cuz you
only have to lay newspapers or an old blanket over the action under the
pinblock <just in case>, but no tilting. If it doesn't work (but it most
likely will) you're not out much. For all the times it works, you're money
and time waaaay ahead.
Paul Bruesch
Stillwater, MN

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 1:27 PM, daniel carlton <hacicspe at> wrote:

> hi guys
> thanks for the input.
> **
> *I don't get the question exactly.  Are you replacing tuning pins without
> restringing?  The whole set?*
> yes, the whole set, without restringing.
> *...damper adjustments. etc. Speaking of which, you should remove the
> dampers when repinning, especially in the bass.*
> i didn't want to get into dampers. i still at the point where i don't like
> them. uh but i guess if i'm to do the job i have no choice. at this point,
> the owner might as well replace the block. i guess she had it "rebuilt"
> 20-30 years ago. she called it rebuilt, but it might have just been a
> refurbish without a new block because the pins are so loose.
> these are the jobs that are frustrating to me, because it's always "well
> if you're going to do this, you might as well do that, and if you're going
> to do that, then you might as well do this." i think it's the stress of not
> knowing how much to estimate.
> anyway...
> daniel
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