for those on the fence about hearing protection..

Don pianotuna at
Mon Mar 24 20:07:44 MST 2008

Hi Mark,

The piano has never been properly stabilized. Try tapping a few coils and
see what happens (25 to 100 cents pitch drop possible).

At 12:30 PM 3/24/2008 -0700, you wrote:
>Thanks for your comments.
>The piano I mentioned had a Dampp-Chaser with undercover, and was tuned 
>regularly. The entire piano was within a few cents, and only needed a 
>fine tuning. I had no reason to suspect any significant drifting 
>occurred, but anything is possible, especially if people forget to 
>refill the DC.
>Ron Nossaman wrote:
>>> If a string is binding on a v-bar. I don't want the pianist to be the 
>>> one to balance out the tension, because I would not expect any repeat 
>>> business from that customer.
Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat

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