[pianotech] treating bridges with CA

Richard Brekne ricb at pianostemmer.no
Tue Dec 1 08:39:38 MST 2009

I don't really think anything is going to completely stop wood from 
being wood as it were.  And it seems to me that over long term I'd 
choose epoxy over CA.  That said, I have a couple instruments around 
that I see often that I did this too 5 years ago... and there is no 
re-opening of the hairline cracks yet.  I suppose it depends abit on how 
severe the cracks are.  Anything severe enough to warrant epoxy... I'd 
no doubt be stringing down to fix anyways.

Try it out... if it does the job for you... well there it is eh ?


    Duh, I was in a hurry. Of course, using the lacquer would be more
    pleasant, but would it be as effective at keeping further damage
    from occurring?

    Man, I've got to go to work....


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