[pianotech] treating bridges with CA

Richard Brekne ricb at pianostemmer.no
Tue Dec 1 14:18:56 MST 2009

    I try not to, but sometimes that's the only option. I use a small
    artist brush. It takes a little time and patience but it's doable.
    Some people just cant afford to have the piano restrung to make the
    proper repair. I usually end up getting to do the proper job later
    down the road.


Hi Al.

I dont think its necessary to do a whole restringing job to apply CA 
thoroughly... but I find that getting the strings out of the way 
temporarily allows for a much better soaking of the bridge without the 
string getting affected. I've tried it both ways and just don't like the 
amount of CA I get in with the strings on unless I create myself a 
problem getting rid of a fairly significant buildup of CA on the 
string.... It wicks every which way :) So I just loosen a unison, move 
the strings out of the way.. wick in a as much CA as will go in and then 
put the strings back in place. Seems like a wearysome process... but you 
gain some time in how quick the application of CA goes, plus you dont 
have to stand over those fumes as much.  It takes a bit longer... but 
not all that much.  I put off a half a day for this way of doing it and 
leave the piano nicely in tune.

What I like about Cellulose is that it does a very good job of soaking 
in without getting on the string hardly at all.... seems drawn to the 
wood if you get my meaning... and it takes a bit longer to <<stick>> to 
the metal of the string so its real easy to wipe as you go.  I have a 
piece of 3 mm thick felt I keep cutting little pieces up to quickly wipe 
between the strings at the bridge.  The whole process adds about 10 
minutes to a tuning.

Restringing might be an desirable option if you were using epoxy... but 
like I said I dont use epoxy for this unless I'm getting  at least that 
far into a repair to begin with.


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