[pianotech] Somewhat OT Re: maps or GPS

David Nereson da88ve at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 23:23:30 MST 2009

    Ah, the heck with most [note, I said 'most', not 'all'] of 
these expensive hi-tech gadgets!  I like maps -- they work just 
fine.  Besides, after 30 years I know the territory, have the 
street rotation memorized, and pride myself on my ability to 
find a place without the aid of a satellite.  Tried MapQuest for 
a while, but it took just as long as finding it on a map and was 
wrong too often!
    Don't need a cell phone, either (contributes to the 
hectic-ness of life; is an excuse for poor planning and 
last-minute schedule changing; it's just another thing demanding 
my attention, and another dang monthly bill to pay, and I don't 
want to be seen as a member of the crowd -- almost everyone--  
who is oblivious to other people, vehicles, children, and 
bicycles around them because they're always on the phone or 
texting or checking messages while they blithely run lights, 
fail to signal, don't see the pedestrian or the emergency 
vehicle, hog the middle of the road or the aisle in the grocery 
store, gabbing away loudly, unaware that somebody's trying to 
get by, because they're on the phone, i.e., absent from 
reality).  By the way, has it been proven yet that frequent use 
doesn't cause hearing loss in the high registers?
    --David Nereson, RPT

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Musselwhite" <john at musselwhite.com>
To: <pianotech at ptg.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [pianotech] maps or GPS

> At 10:48 AM 26/11/2009, James wrote:
>  Howe many of you have given up use of street guides and went 
> to GPS?
 > John Musselwhite, RPT  -  Registered Piano Technician
> Musselwhite Piano Services - Calgary, Alberta Canada
> Office/cel (403) 246-7717 Fax (403) 255-5268
> Outside of Calgary call Toll Free:  1-866-95-PIANO 
> (1-866-957-4266)
> "Three Generations of Experience"

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