[pianotech] Stolen tools

David Boyce David at piano.plus.com
Sat Dec 5 06:38:02 MST 2009

David, I'd like to add my voice to those extending commiserations 
regarding the theft of your tools.

Joe's comment srtuck a chord with me:    "I will add one piece of advice 
to those already given.  You are probably correct that the thief won't 
know or care what your tools are.  Because of this, there is a fair 
possibility that he/she/they(/it?) will discard them".

Exactly that happened to me a few years ago. My neighbour a few doors 
down knocked my door in the morning, holding my toolcase and tools. I 
had failed to properly lock the trunk of the car where I had left my 
toolcase overnight (never done since!) and some opportunist in the dead 
of night had got in and carried off my toolcase. But he abandoned it, 
with the tools scattered about, in my neighbour's back yard, having 
presumably found that the tools were specialised and of limited value to 
him.. Everything was there!

I do hope you may have some similar good fortune.

Kind regards,

David Boyce.

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