[pianotech] Damper Issue???

David Doremus algiers_piano at bellsouth.net
Sat Dec 5 22:26:41 MST 2009

Once again I am late to this thread so I hope this hasn't been mentioned 
and dismissed already. What is described sounds more to me like a hard 
felt 'zing' than a wire buzz. Have you tried feeling the felt for a hard 
spot, maybe a spill, or just where it has aged? A lot of times that  
will produce what you describe on damper return, and can be lightly 
scuffed with a file or sandpaper or voiced with a needle to quiet it. 
Just a thought.

  New Orleans

> If I were to descibe the noise that this issue gave me today, I would 
> say that is sounds similar to when you play a note, and then lightly 
> taking a finger with your other hand, and with your fingernail, 
> lightly touch one of the strings that is sustaining.  Does that make 
> sense?
> In the situation I had today, I could sustain the note and it was 
> fine, but the second I release my finger from the key sharply, I would 
> hear the noise as the damper returned to rest on the string.  If you 
> remember me saying earlier that in order to manipulate the noise, I 
> needed to release my finger from the key quickly.  But releasing my 
> finger softly, there was no noise.  So, I am gathering that by 
> releasing my finger quickly, it is causing the damper to return 
> quicker and more forefully, and therefore the damper wire bend close 
> to the head is in some way contacting the right string.  
> Unfortunately, I did not think of this until after I left.  I have set 
> another time to return, in the meantime, I have muted that string.
> Does this possibility sound reasonable?

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