[pianotech] Bass String Installation Fee

William Monroe bill at a440piano.net
Mon Dec 7 13:03:55 MST 2009

Hi Matthew,

In the end, it's up to you.  I have no quarrel marking up small ticket items
like an individual bass string and adding shipping.  I most often don't
charge for return visits to pull back to pitch.  I'm sure it's not "good
business" but it works for my business.  I often find a time a week after
the appointment when I'll be in the area and plan to swing by and pull it up
- takes 2 minutes, really.  I'd just be checking email between appointments
anyway, so no loss for me.  Then, I suggest that when it starts sounding
intolerable to them again, call me and I'll do the same thing.  This is
assuming that it's not a situation where it really needs to be stabilized
quickly, and kept there.  In that case (e.g. a recording studio) yes, I'd
charge for the return trips.

William R. Monroe

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Matthew Todd <toddpianoworks at att.net> wrote:

> On one of my appointments last week, a bass string broke during a pitch
> raise.  I am ordering a new replacement through Mapes.
> What is a decent way to charge for this replacement?  In other words, when
> you bill a customer for this, do you also include an added fee for returning
> one or two more times to adjust the pitch?  And, I know there was some
> discussion a while back on parts mark up.  Some mark up parts 50%, some
> 100%.  Do ya'll mark up parts for single bass strings?
> Thank you,
> Matthew
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